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Monday 29 October 2012


Friday we awoke to a little surprise.......snow!!!  Although it wasn't entirely unexpected (we do live in the north!) it did feel a tad to early for such a blanket of the white stuff!!!  So after a mad panic of rummaging through the suitcases full of our winter wear, off we trudged to work wrapped up in our hats, scarves and gloves!

On Thursday we had performed 'Swan Lake' and then Saturday we danced 'Manon' (definitely a favourite ballet of mine!)  I love the costumes and the choreography is fun (always a plus!)

You can read the Synopsis of 'Manon' here.

As life seems to be on high speed at present, it's hard to post to my blog daily :(  (big sad face)
So, thank goodness for Instagram where it takes two seconds to add my daily photos!


1 comment:

Haley said...

Love the snow and swans.

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