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Monday 12 September 2011

My Fake Sunday...

Mondays are now my official day off, 'my fake Sundays'.  But in my world, a 'free' day is never a 'free' day!!
 At first it seemed weird to tootle off to work on a Sunday morning as any other normal work day.  Curtains still tightly drawn as people enjoy their Sunday morning lie in, an empty bus ride to arrive to a peaceful atmosphere circulating the theatre and the nearby shopping mall.  

  Even though I'm settling well into my new surroundings, I'm still at that point of having a long list of things to sort and as you can imagine, we are so busy at the theatre that this so called list of mine doesn't seem to diminish very quickly!  But as I figured today, a Monday is a very useful free day and three of my very important 'to do's' got sorted..... well 2 and a half....... as for the other 'half' I'm desperately keeping everything crossed for that to be sorted tomorrow.........

Days off are also super special now that I have my mini me in my life.   To whom today, dragged her new love, her Lotte doll, around the whole of the city and learnt about conkers!!!  How incredible the feeling is to show the world to somebody so small and how they enjoy such precious little moments.

And tomorrow 'Manon' begins :)
I hope you all had a happy Monday.


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