Blossom trees always remind me of my very first childhood home. I remember the house so clearly, especially the blossom tree that we had in our front garden.....
Don't you think it's amazing the things we remember from when we were so tiny.
Lots of things wiped clear from our mind, but other things so clear......
Here are a few of my memories
My brother being born when I was three......
Falling up a step when I was four.....
Dancing in a show at my very first dance school
(my Dad laughs that it was terrible and you would have never thought I'd grow up to be a ballerina!!!!)
My Aunties 'Lassie' look-a-like dog!!!
Losing my precious My Little Pony in a shopping centre!!!!!
I have so many more and I am sure when my Mum reads this she will have a little laugh to herself!!!
I still swear to this day that she used to dress me in a little green wax jacket, she says I've dreamt it!!!
The blossom is already starting to fall......
We have a huge white blossom tree in our garden that is absolutely gorgeous to stand under and look up at the fluffy, puffs of petals sheltering us. But, alas that is now bare and now the blossom is creating a wonderful white blanket of petaled snow across our yard....
I actually went to sweep it up the other day and then stopped myself in my tracks wondering why I would chose to brush away the beautiful effect it had made ....... So, it's all still there :)
This morning started with my darling Tiffany bringing me a gift.....
Now, I have grown up with pets and of course it's a cats nature to sometimes come in with a 'prize', so I often remember us finding a mouse or bird......
But, please Tiff...... this morning it was a lizard..... on my bathroom floor.
From the scream I made you would have thought it was a huge monster.......
The weather is glorious at the moment and I'm so happy to have peeled some layers!!!
Definitely time for a Summer wardrobe shop, but I'm saving my pennies for when I go to England and when I can go with my favourite shopping partner!!!
Love Charlie
(hopefully no 'lizard' nightmares tonight!!!!)
All jewellery is Charliehearts